About Our CLEs
Law and Government Educator is an accredited provider of Continuing Legal Education Credits and a leader in providing actionable, web-based legal training. Our live, 90-minute programs are eligible for 1.5 CLE credits, subject to specific state bar regulations.
How To Get CLE Credits
CLE credits are available for purchase along with your conference registration. For an additional $65 per state bar, we will report your CLE credit in the appropriate format with state bar reporting procedures.
Just fill out your Official Record of Attendance (found on the last few pages of your materials packet) and your Payment form with your payment of $65 per person-if you haven’t prepaid for your CLE credits when you registered. After the course, fax the forms to Law and Government Educator at 215-689-3435 or email them to clecredits@lawandgovernmenteducator.com.
Please note that each of the 50 states has a specific set of rules governing their particular jurisdiction. Although we are direct sponsors in most states, we must apply for each course individually. If a course is not approved, we will provide you with a credit for a future conference.
We currently do not provide CLE credits for: OHIO, CONNECTICUT, COLORADO, and NEVADA
Self-Reporting States only: RHODE ISLAND and NEW HAMPSHIRE
CLE Questions
Please direct any questions to us at 1-800-964-6033 for any assistance regarding our CLE credits.